noun: A rumbling noise caused by the movement of gas through the intestines.
From Greek borborygmos (intestinal rumbling), an onomatopoeiac word to describe the sound.
Borborygmi are usually harmless, they are simply a result of gas movement around the stomach. And the rumbling sound doesn't mean one is hungry either. We can't really do anything about the sound of a stomach growling, but we can take comfort in the fact that at least we know a fancy word to describe it.
"And the piece de resistance:'He was woken early by borborygmus as his insides fermented and his intestines ballooned with gas beyond their capacity.'"Ruth Dudley Edwards; Book Review / Straying Into A Dark, Ugly And Sick World; The Independent (London, UK); Sep 21, 1994.
Sverige vs. Signal (blogcast)
5 dagar sedan
Har länge saknat ett ord för detta och ser fram emot att fälla kommentarer som: "Har lite svårt att sova p.g.a. mina borborygmus", "jaha det där, det var bara lite borborygmus, inget att oroa sig för" och "nä, jag lider bara av en släng borborygmus men det går snart över".